Sunday 10 October 2010

I had a very interesting week at uni

I had a very interesting week at uni, culminating in a informative class with Eddie in Critical games study. Covering ‘Defining video games’  is a mission in its self, when you consider that virtually every card game or board game you have ever played can now be played in a video game; almost every conflict between nations you can now be part of, makes for an interesting subject. It’s not enough to say it’s an adventure type game it could be a paidea; playing just for the fun of it, or a ludus one with set rules and goals type game, for example. I can see the course will help give me the tools necessary to pull apart each game into its core elements and define each one of them.
At the end of the class we watched a film ‘thumb candy’ all about the pioneers of the computer games industry, seeing how they had their Sparks of inspiration was wonderful!  
‘From Pizza to bread baking tins’ would have been a good title.  
The further I get into the course the more I realize what a fascinating subject computer games design is. We currently have 3 game projects on the go, one completely of choice, one for Ks1 National Curriculum, another for an online gambling company, this in itself shows the diversity in computer games deign. You close one folder and try to get out of the mindset of a 6 year old, straight into one of an adult online gambler.           

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