evaluate a game for the key stage 1 curriculum

Today in critical games studies we used the techniques we leant studying Greg Costikyan’s
I have no words I must design towards a critical vocabulary for games;
to evaluate a game for the key stage 1 curriculum.
Here is a link to the game
The evaluation is in the way of six categories:
1. Interaction
Minimum only 3 choices
No change of game state for incorrect answers, the game just resets.
Very small reward for a correct answer.
There was a funny animation for incorrect answer. ( could lead to incorrect answer being given)

 2. Goals
Incentives to complete the game very low,
Small reward for completion, but possibly adequate

3. Struggle
Virtually None with just 3 choices and no consequences for incorrect answer

4. Structure,
Clear and easy to understand, rules simple, easy navigation.

5. Endogenous meaning,
The players will come away with a better idea of shapes. and an understanding of  team work.    

6. Evaluation,
Adequate for target ordinance, but wouldn’t make children rush to the pc to play it.
Needs more interaction and stimulus and rewards.  
A fun animation of the robot completed would have made it a better game.