Presentation art work

This is some of my the work for the team game Presentation  

                                                                Word Chase
word chase can be made to fit most of the subjects in the k1 curriculum, and adjusted to fit any level within that subject.
This example Alphabet chase   is for English key stage 1 En3 Writing,   spelling, spell common words.
You spell the object that comes from the left.
This is a concept of what the game could look like.

(Start animation)

In a three level game each seen would be different with maybe kites covering the balloons
Instead of balloons, and then birds for another. All levels with a different seen at the bottom
Also in a three level game the words would connect like,   sheep/wool/jumper  

The balloons above an object could represent how many letters are in its name, and when you get a letter right, it replaces the balloon above the object. Once you have burst every balloon a parachute opens letting the object land safely)  

            (Show Para sheep concept)   

Alphabet chase can be a single or two player game.

In single player mode you Use the mouse to complete the word before the object reaches the other side and out of sight, By popping balloon above the letters. Any cloud over the balloon with stop you from popping that it.
In a two player game, one player spells the word by popping the balloons while the other controls one cloud using the keys to try and block the other popping the balloons.

 There is a countdown on the top left marked by the question mark to show how long you have left. The countdown could be in balloon numbers to fit the concept.

A nice animation for a wrong balloon popping could be it shooting around as it deflates.
And for a right one a small spray of fireworks.