Friday, 1 October 2010

task we were set in our first lesson

This post covers a task we were set in our first lesson
In Critical games studies.
We were set some questions for an interview with a fellow student,
It’s a bit of an ice breaker and also gets our blogs going. Sorry if it’s not very stimulating
Hopefully future posts will be a bit more interesting, so please pop back from time to time. 

What is the title of the book (fiction) you are currently reading (or the last fiction book you read)?

Patrick O’Brian’s Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin novels, all 21 of them I am reading them for the 3rd Time, they are set in the early 19th century during the Napoleonic wars. His knowledge of the period is astonishing, partially the seafaring life. They are not just action adventure books, but novels covering all aspects of the period.

What is the title/topic of the book (non-fiction) you are currently reading (or the last non-fiction book you read)?

Kirk Douglas’ autobiography, The ragman’s son.
A very interesting read. sometimes it’s not good to read about,
Movie stars etc. But I have no regrets after reading this

What is the last live performance (music, drama or dance) you attended?

The Russian ballet performing swan lake. We had seats very close to the stage.
It was amazing to see all the hand movement and gestures.

What is the title of the last film you saw at the cinema / online or watched on dvd?

Ronin starring Robert De Nero and Jean Reno. A nice bit of action adventure 

How often do you read a newspaper? (which one?)

Never I like fiction with a good story.

Which art gallery / museum / exhibition did you last visit?

National portrait gallery. we were there for hours, if you have never been
put it on your things to do list. There are some wonderful works of art there.
We also visited the Tate modem, we were there for minutes, the big box was an interesting experience, most of the rest I just didn't get.  


  1. Might your reading around the Napoleonic era provide some inspiration for your modelling or design work?

    (As someone who enjoys fiction, wouldn't there be something of interest in quite a few of the daily papers?)

  2. Hi Tom. Got to put in a good word for the Tate Modern, the Rothko rooms are fantastic.


  3. Thanks for the comments Ed and Rob,

    Ed, I like the period of the O’Brian books, the game I play most of all is Cossacks back to war, also set in the same period and I have loads of reference books for the uniforms etc. But, at the moment I’m more drawn to mythical, Elvin, lords of the rings type of art. I love the work of Paul Bonner. The Minotaur is one of my favorites.
    I draw a lot of inspiration from this type of work, not only for the art but also game play and story lines.

    Rob, I should give the Tate another go with a bit more of an open mind. The carrot cake was very nice so that will make the trip a bit more worthwhile.
